and Religion
Media Contacts
GM Foods Still Controversial After All These Years
Voice of America, November 28, 2014
"The argument that genetically modified crops release escaped genes into the environment or that they cause allergies are concerns that are, in his view, 'orchestrated and made up,' says Prakash...
Growing Super Crops: Conventional or GM?
Voice of America, November 20, 2014
"Prakash says the International Rice Research Institute is developing flood-tolerant rice using genetic engineering and a combination of conventional technologies...”
US scientist advocates GM crops for B'desh
The Financial Express, November 10, 2014
"A US scientist has ruled out the possibility of any health and environmental hazards in genetically modified (GM) crops, arguing Bangladesh should scale up scientific research on biotechnology to help feed its growing population."
GLP interactive infographic: Which GMO experts should you trust?
Genetic Literacy Project, October 28, 2014
"Who are the voices of science in the GMO discourse? Let's learn more about the top twenty most-cited experts on GMOs in the media..."
Vandana Shiva Is One of the World's Worst People
Reason Magazine, July 29, 2014
"Vandana Shiva would rather have her people in India starve than eat bioengineered food," says C.S. Prakash...
Global backlash against Greenpeace
Business Mirror (Philippines), September 3, 2013
"Prakash’s online statement against Greenpeace’s creative-destruction activities has reportedly generated more than 3,000 expressions of support, mostly from international researchers, scientists and academicians..."
Golden Rice: Lifesaver?
New York Times, August 24, 2013
"On a petition supporting Golden Rice circulated among scientists and signed by several thousand, many vented a simmering frustration with activist organizations like Greenpeace..."
GM crop destruction globally criticized
AgProfessional, August 21, 2013
"After many spoke out against the destruction of the field, Channapatna Prakash of Tuskegee University in Alabama, started an online petition to show lawmakers and policy makers the importance of continuing plant research..."
Petition backs GM trials
Farm Weekly (Australia), August 21, 2013
"Dr Channapatna is aiming to gather 5000 signatures to help show policy makers and politicians in the Philippines the importance of continuing on with the plant research..."
Scientists Condemn Destruction of Golden Rice Field Trial
Science Magazine, August 15, 2013
"It is important that the community come together and explain there is a scientific consensus on the safety of GM crops," says geneticist Channapatna Prakash...
Outstanding Scientist Award for C S Prakash
India Abroad, July 19, 2013
"Dr. Channapatna S Prakash, professor of plant genetics, biotechnology and genomics at Tuskegee University, Alabama, received the Morrison-Evans Outstanding Scientist Award..."
Opposition to GM crops uncalled for
The Indian Express, December 23, 2012
"Speaking at an interactive session on Biotechnology for Enhancing Food Security in India here on Saturday, Dr Prakash pointed out that opposition to genetically modified (GM) crops from certain groups was without any scientific basis..."
AIP Team of Experts from Tuskegee University Explores the Fishing Industry in Assam
Agricultural Innovation Partnership, December 19, 2012
"Prof Prakash said, 'Our visit represents exploring the possibilities of a high value partnership between Tuskegee University and Assam Agricultural University...'"
700 Researchers Call On Gilles-Eric Seralini To Release GMO Test Data
Science 2.0, October 23, 2012
“The claims made by this study contradict an extensive body of independent and widely accepted scientific research, said C.S. Prakash...”
Scientists call on French researchers to release GMO test data
Western Farm Press, October 22, 2012
"'The claims made by this study contradict an extensive body of independent and widely accepted scientific research,' said C.S. Prakash ..."
Engineering the Future of Food: Tomorrow's Genetically Modified Food and Farmed Fish Will Be More Sustainable and Far Healthier
The Futurist, May 1, 2012
"To illustrate how this would play out, Prakash points to the work of Cynthia Kenyon, a University of California-San Francisco molecular biologist, who extended the life span..."
UCLA professor unites three university campuses through online class
Daily Bruin, January 27, 2012
"While Tuskegee has dedicated professors, Prakash said, the school’s small size and geographic location makes access to top-notch professors like Bob Goldberg and his guest lecturers difficult to come by..."
Peruvian biologist's defamation conviction overturned
Nature, January 11, 2011
"More than 650 scientists from around the world signed a public petition over the case..."
How Greenpeace Sees Red
The Indian Express, November 21, 2010
"Dr C.S. Prakash, a professor teaching plant molecular genetics in Tuskegee University in the US, has publicly said that Greenpeace's relentless attack on GM food is not just misleading but outright dangerous..."
Hay otra revolucion verde
Clarin, June 18, 2010
"Prakash, nacido en la India, es especialista en genetica molecular vegetal de la Universidad de Tuskegee..."
Accept Bt With an Open Mind
The Star of Mysore (India), May 30, 2010
"'Technology has to be accepted with an open mind. We cannot afford to ignore such progress-oriented technologies that are in the interests of the farming community,' said Dr. C.S. Prakash..."
Scientists rally round convicted Peruvian researcher, May 27, 2010
"The US-based AgBioWorld Foundation, a not-for-profit, pro-agricultural biotechnology organisation, is gathering signatures of scientists around the world in a letter to call on the Government of Peru to intervene and exonerate Dr. Bustamante..."
Will Eggplant be the World’s Next GM Crop?
Science Line, November 4, 2009
“Once India goes through with Bt brinjal, and it reaches farmers’ feet, and they see the fruits of modern biotechnology, he predicts, this will open the floodgates for a new wave of crops already in the pipeline…”
In Prose or In Rap, Hard to Top Borlaug's Achievements
Des Moines Register, September 14, 2009
"To bring Borlaug's name and story out of the halls of academia and to the people, Prakash produced ‘The Norman Borlaug Rap,’ sung by Prakash's teenage son, Rohan..."
Biotechnology to increase agriculture output in Azerbaijan: American University Professor
Trend News Agency (Azerbaijan), June 10, 2009
"The introduction of biotechnology in agriculture in Azerbaijan will help local farmers to significantly increase their incomes, professor at the American Tuskegee University Channapatna Prakash..."
U.S.-African Partnership Developing Drought-Tolerant Maize, January 27, 2009
“Leading scientists around the world have attested to the health and environmental safety of agricultural biotechnology, C.S. Prakash...”
Escasez de alimentos abre el camino a biotecologia
Associated Press, December 10, 2008
"Voces influyentes en todo el mundo están llamando a una revision del debate sobre modificacion genetica, dice C.S. Prakash...”
Food crunch opens doors to bioengineered crops
San Diego Union-Tribune, November 30, 2008
"Influential voices around the world are calling for a re-examination of the GM debate," says C.S. Prakash, a professor of plant molecular genetics at Alabama's Tuskegee University. "Biotechnology provides such tools to help address food sustainability issues."
Borlaug tiene buena reputacion por hazana de alimentos
Truth About Trade & Technology, July 20, 2007
"Dr. Prakash se disculpa por falta de palabras soeces o misoginia en la cancion de Borlaug. La idea era llevar la historia a las calles, y esto era el vehiculo..."
Borlaug gets a good rap for food feat
Des Moines Register, July 19, 2007
“So much has been written [about Borlaug], Prakash says. We wanted to do something different. How do you bring the message to the common person and the high school kid, in their lingo?”
Biotech's Sparse Harvest; A Gap Between the Lab And the Dining Table
New York Times, February 14, 2006
"A lot of companies went into shell shock, I would say, in the past three, four years,'' said C. S. Prakash, director of plant biotechnology research at Tuskegee University. ''Because of so much opposition, they've had to put a lot of projects on the shelf."
Academic and Science Community Applauds WTO GMO Ruling
PR Newswire, February 7, 2006
"This decision affects not only Argentina, Canada and the United States, who prevailed in this complaint, but the future of agricultural biotechnology for all countries," said Professor C.S. Prakash, president of the AgBioWorld Foundation. "This favorable ruling gives European farmers the option to use safe, approved and proven tools to grow food crops, and gives consumers the right to choose those foods in grocery stores."
Life lessons: What is the one thing everyone should learn about science?
The Guardian, April 7, 2005
"Channapatna S Prakash Professor in plant molecular genetics at Tuskegee University, and director of the Centre for Plant Biotechnology Research -- I would teach the world not to be afraid of the genetic modification of our crops, and to accept GM crops...."
Vatican Conference Examines Merits of Genetic Modification of Crops
National Catholic Register, October 17, 2004
"Prakash and other speakers countered this by saying that, so far, no single case of illness resulting from consuming foods produced by genetically modified organisms has been recorded, and that biodiversity will actually be conserved and enhanced rather than negatively affected..."
Biotech food for the hungry
New York Times, October 2, 2004
"Dr. C.S. Prakash, an Indian-born scientist whose research has increased the nutritional value of the sweet potato fourfold, told the conference that half of sub-Saharan Africans are malnourished today, a figure that is expected to increase to 70 percent by 2010."
Vatican Urges Further Study of Genetically Engineered Food
Voice of America, September 26, 2004
"At a conference held Friday in Rome, scientists, experts in agricultural development, farmers and church officials shared their views on modern genetic technology. Dr. C.S. Prakash, a professor of plant molecular genetics, said biotechnology is a very powerful tool that can be used in the developing world to grow more food in an environmentally-friendly manner."
Biotech Agriculture: Go For It!
Saigon Times Weekly, September 25, 2004
"Dr. C.S. Prakash, professor of plant biotechnology at the College of Agriculture, Tuskegee University in the U.S., and president of the Agbioworld Foundation, tells The Saigon Times Weekly about the latest biotechnology applications..."
U.S. Embassy to the Holy See Feeding a Hungry World:
The Moral Imperative of Biotechnology
The Pontifical Gregorian University, September 24, 2004
"Founder and President of AgBioWorld Foundation, Dr. Prakash oversees the research on food crops of importance to developing countries as well as the training of scientists and students in plant biotechnology at Tuskegee University..."
US scientist suggests Viet Nam have law on biological security
Vietnam News Agency, September 15, 2004
"Talking with Lao Dong newspaper's correspondent in Ha Noi on Tuesday, Dr. Prakash, Director of the Tuskegee University's Centre for Plant Biotechnology, said the biological security code will contribute to raising people's awareness and helping them believe in the security of genetically modified crops."
Activista india combate la biotecnologia
Associated Press, June 6, 2014
"Creo que la notoriedad de Vandana Shiva es más conocida entre los círculos académicos y de activistas occidentales que en su país de origen", dijo C.S. Prakash...
Indian Firebrand Extols Organic Farming, Battles Biotech
Associated Press, June 4, 2004
"I believe that Vandana Shiva's notoriety is better known among Western academic and activist circles than in her native country," said C.S. Prakash, a Tuskegee University biotechnology researcher who frequently attacks Shiva in conservative journals. "While she is admired by certain naive elites in the West, her relentless attack on modern farming techniques and open economies can only keep countries like India backward."
Farmer Loses Battle in Biotech Dispute
Associated Press, May 24, 2004
"...said Channapatna Prakash, professor of biotechnology at Tuskegee University in Alabama. "What happened is against the law. It's no different than stealing software or pirating a movie."
Biotech Rap
Science Magazine, April 16, 2004
"Last month, Norman Borlaug celebrated his 90th birthday, and plant geneticist C.S. Prakash of Tuskegee University in Alabama, and some friends composed a rap song-performed by Prakash's 11-year-old son Rohan-to mark the occasion."
Jimmy Carter, George McGovern and Scientists Celebrate
'Father of the Green Revolution'
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 24, 2004
"Norman Borlaug is one of the greatest humanitarians who ever lived," said C.S. Prakash, president of the AgBioWorld Foundation ( and professor of plant genetics at Tuskegee University in Alabama. "He is not only a scientist, but a doer and an activist who believes in the power of science to better the lives of people everywhere - especially in the developing world."
Jimmy Carter, George McGovern y diversos cientificos homenajean
al 'padre de la revolucion verde'
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 24, 2004
"Norman Borlaug es una de las mayores figuras humanitarias que jamas haya existido," declaro C.S. Prakash…”
Jimmy Carter, George McGovern und Wissenschaftler
feiern den 'Vater der grunen Revolution'
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 24, 2004
"Norman Borlaug ist einer der grossten humanitaren Wissenschaftler aller Zeiten," sagte C.S. Prakash...
Jimmy Carter, George McGovern et des scientifiques célèbrent
le "pere de la revolution verte"
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 24, 2004
"Norman Borlaug est l'un des plus grands humanistes qui aient vecu," pour C.S. Prakash...
How 'Rich-World' Enviros are Hurting Rest of Globe
Rocky Mountain News, February 14, 2004
"Every year, 500,000 children around the world go blind, as a result of vitamin A deficiency, noted Dr. C.S. Prakash..."
Researchers Urge Science-based Approach for British Policy on GM Crops
AgBioWorld Press Release, January 20, 2004
"More than 150 scientists across the world, including Nobel laureate of DNA structure fame James Watson, signed a letter delivered to British Prime Minister Tony Blair drawing attention to the positive impact that biotechnology is contributing to conventional agricultural practices in many parts of the world."
Breeding Sanity into the GM Food Debate
Issues in Science and Technology, January 1, 2004
"One of the scientist-authors, Channapatna Prakash, illustrates the evolution of crop plants with a picture of modern corn next to its wild maize ancestor, a tiny, scraggly, unappetizing cob. The argument is that humans already manipulate nature drastically..."
Biotech One of Safest Forms of Plant Breeding, FDA Official Says
U.S. Department of State, June 24, 2003
"C.S. Prakash, director of the Center for Plant Biotechnology Research in the United States, said at the meeting that a lack of enabling policies, trade fears and pressure from environmental groups have slowed progress toward the development of food technology regulations in many countries."
Sound Science Must Prevail in Sacramento
AgBioWorld Press Release, June 20, 2003
"It is easy for well-fed activists in wealthy industrialized countries to denigrate new agricultural technologies because they face no risks by doing so," said Dr. Prakash. "But for farmers in developing countries, shunning improvements in agriculture can mean the difference between life and death for themselves and their children."
EU biotech case will be filed
Southeast Farm Press, June 4, 2003
"Joining Zoellick and Veneman at the briefing were C.S. Prakash, a biotechnology expert from the Tuskegee Institute..."
Europe's biotech food ban challenged by U.S., others
Delta Farm Press, May 30, 2003
"'Many biotech plant varieties have great potential to help alleviate poverty and hunger in the world's poorest nations,' said Tuskegee University Plant Genetics Professor C.S. Prakash, a native of India, who spoke at a Washington gathering of international scientists who oppose the E.U. ban. They included agricultural scientist and Novel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug."
Sobriety and the Bt corn issue
The Philippine Star, May 28, 2003
"Internationally respected scientist C.S. Prakash of the Tuskegee Institute who first sounded the warning against the multimillion-dollar global
Greenpeace scare campaign, in a letter to President Arroyo, said 3,500 scientists from across 60 countries have vouched for the safety of biotech crops, 20 of who are Nobel laureates."
3 Indians among top 12 agri biotech pioneers
Hindu Business Line, May 20, 2003
"Three Indians have been named among the top 12 pioneers in the rapidly expanding field of agricultural biotechnology. Among the pioneers are two Nobel laureates, including Dr Norman Borlaug ... Dr C.S. Prakash, Director of Tuskegee University's Centre..."
Green Giant: Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug is credited with saving the lives of 1 billion people. So why is a small cadre of activists bent on tarnishing his legacy?
Dallas Observer, December 5, 2002
"Clearly the Green Revolution was not without problems," says C.S. Prakash, professor of plant genetics at Tuskegee University. "Some of that did lead to indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides leading to environmental problems, but it is absurd to say that we have far more problems than before."
Critical issue: Genetically modified crops
Chemical Engineering Progress, December 1, 2002
"While it may be a little known fact that over two million people are eating products produced via biotechnology each day, as noted at the CIS by C. S. Prakash..."
Zambia Rejects GM Corn On Scientists’ Advice
Science Magazine, November 8, 2002
"The Zambian rejection of GM food is based on 'pseudoscience,' says Channapatna Prakash..."
Scientists Applaud Limited Activist Support for GM Food Aid
AgBioWorld Press Release, September 5, 2002
"It is refreshing to hear that some environmentalists are no longer willing to sacrifice the lives of desperate people in order to further their own agendas," said Dr. C.S. Prakash, Tuskegee University plant genetics professor and president of the AgBioWorld Foundation.
GM Food and Famine Becomes A Life-or-death Debate at World Summit
Associated Press, September 2, 2002
"It is unconscionable," said molecular geneticist C.S. Prakash of Tuskegee University in Alabama. "Ask a starving Zambian child if she would like to have the luxury of that bogus debate right now," he said.
Science Group Touts Biotech for Sustainable Development
AgBioWorld Press Release, August 22, 2002
"To meet the needs of the 8.3 billion people projected to be on this planet in 2025, the genetic improvement of food crops must include both conventional technology and biotechnology," said Dr. Norman Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and consultant to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico.
Harvesting a bounty in biotech Crop benefits may outweigh health concerns
Washington Times, August 19, 2002
"Biotechnology ... [is] a vital tool in the toolbox, one that includes soil and water conservation, pest management and other methods of sustainable agriculture, as well as new technologies," said Mr. Prakash in a recent National Geographic article.
Battling Hunger With Biotechnology
U.S. State Department Press Release, May 9, 2002
"Needless restrictions on agricultural biotechnology would harm the world's ability to battle hunger in the 21st century, say Gregory Conko and C.S. Prakash, co-founders of the AgBioWorld Foundation."
Expert endorses Bt cotton decision
Business Standard (India), April 12, 2002
"Prakash, a professor of plant biotechnology at the College of Agriculture of Tuskegee University, US, expressed hope that full-scale introduction of Bt cotton could double the current Indian productivity of 250 kg per hectare in about four years..."
Biotechnology can help agricultural growth
The Times of India, April 4, 2002
"Can biotechnology provide an answer to a farmer's prayer? While the detractors may react, from mild unease to strong opposition, about recombinant DNA technology and transgenic crop, CS Prakash, professor plant molecular..."
New Delhi opens door to GM crops - World's biggest cotton
grower allows new seed despite long battle
The Guardian, March 27, 2002
"India has finally joined the community of progressive nations by approving the first biotech crop for use by its farmers, said Dr CS Prakash..."
India ready for biotechnology crops - expert
Press Trust of India, April 10, 2002
"With farmers in India endorsing Bt cotton as a miracle crop, which has none of the negative impacts earlier feared, the era of transgenics in this country is just round the corner," eminent biotechnologist and advisory committe member of the Department of Biotechnology C S Prakash said.
Bittersweet harvest: The debate over Genetically Modified crops
Harvard International Review, April 1, 2002
"In the words of Dr. C. S. Prakash, using genetics helped [to] save so much valuable land from being under the plow..."
Genetically modified food - Are doubts emotional or scientific?
The Times of India, March 31, 2002
"India's future in biotechnology is tremendous," says prakash, who's on a special advisory committee to the Department of Biotechnology...
Debate Over Biotech Food May Be Decided By Third World
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, March 3, 2002
"For us to take an attitude that these farmers are gullible and ignorant and we have to take care to protect them from Western influences is absurd," said C.S. Prakash, a professor at Tuskegee University...
Mexican Maize Not Under Threat
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 1, 2002
"Nearly one hundred prominent scientists have signed a petition calling for greater scrutiny of a report claiming that genes from genetically modified corn have spread into corn landraces in southern Mexico..."
Progressive Farmer Names C.S. Prakash 'Man of Year'
AgBioWorld Press Release, February 4, 2002
"Progressive Farmer magazine has named Tuskegee University plant genetics professor C.S. Prakash the 2002 Man of the Year in Service to Alabama Agriculture ... As founder and president of the AgBioWorld Foundation, he has advanced public awareness of the role biotechnology and GM crops can play in promoting sustainable agriculture and improving conditions in less developed nations."
Seeds of Doubt: Farmers embrace genetics, despite fears
Barron's, February 4, 2002
"The free market will be the ultimate determinant of whether biotechnology adoption, currently dominating animal feed, will move into human foods, Prakash predicts."
Seeds of Discord: The battle over golden rice
The Star-Ledger, January 2002
"Golden rice is a miracle," said C.S. Prakash, director of the Center for Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University in Alabama. "To prevent its introduction would be a great setback for humanity."
Biotech Seminar in Mangalore
Hindu Business Line, January 5, 2002
"Dr C.S. Prakash, of Tuskegee University in the US, spoke about the need and relevance of transgenic plants and the role they have played in increasing food production..."
GM crop research slow to reach hungry Third World
Reuters News, November 7, 2001
"By bringing in this technology to make the same crop that people eat and grow, make it more insulated against some of the elements of nature, more nutritious ... it will improve local production," said Channapatna Prakash.
No Bio-Terror Fear From Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT), Say Plant Scientists
AgBioWorld Press Release, October 29, 2001
"As letters containing anthrax have terrorized the U.S. in recent weeks, many assertions have been made comparing the anthrax bacterium Bacillus anthracis (Ba) to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a bacterium popular with farmers who use it as an organic spray to kill insects. However, scientists at the Agbioworld Foundation have recently discredited these rumors..."
Science Group Protests Sri Lankan Biotech Ban
AgBioWorld Press Release, August 17, 2001
"The AgBioWorld Foundation today called upon the Sri Lankan government to rethink its ban on biotechnology food imports imposed earlier this month. 'This was a reckless decision,' said C.S. Prakash..."
Biotech In The Third World: A Hostage Of Eco-Propaganda
Agence France-Presse, July 20, 2001
"Environmental groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, they charged, are standing in the way of scientific advances which could help meet the food needs of 1.3 billion people who live on less than one dollar a day..."
New Report Fuels Debate on Genetically Modified Organisms
Inter Press Service, June 5 2001
"Channapatna Prakash of the Centre for Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University, however, argues that humans have modified agriculture for centuries and already caused vast changes in the environment. Practically none of the crops grown now in the United States, for example, are native and most are hybrids or crossbreeds, he says."
Alter Genes, Risk an Ecosystem?
The Washington Post, June 4, 2001
"Channapatna S. Prakash of the Center for Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University wrote that while 'gene flow' from crops such as engineered corn is a legitimate concern, the potential environmental harm is minuscule when compared with the fact that corn -- a species not native to the United States -- is now grown here on 75 million acres.”
Anti-globalisation denunciation overdone
The Canberra Times, May 3, 2001
"Prakash, Ph.D (ANU), an agricultural geneticist whose Declaration in Support of Agricultural Biotechnology has received endorsements from 3000 scientists, wrote that he was 'sickened' by [Vandana Shiva's] lecture. If India had stuck to traditional methods since the 1960s, Prakash believes that it would now be seeing millions of deaths from starvation
every year and it would have ploughed all wild land..."
Driven by science
Farmers Guardian, March 30, 2001
"Speaking in London, Professor C.S. Prakash, director of the Center of Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University, Alabama, said there were significant environmental as well as commercial benefits to be gained from GM crops..."
Plea for more reason on GM food
The Scotsman, March 16, 2001
"We have done more than 25,000 field tests with these crops so far and not one single issue of alarm has been raised and we have very high standards of food safety regulation in the US," [Prakash] said. The US regulatory authorities were extremely stringent and very a-political, he reminded an invited audience at the US Embassy in London."
Geneticist calls for broader GM debate
The Herald, March 15, 2001
" A PLEA for more reason in the debate on biotechnology and genetic modification was issued by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject yesterday. The debate had become one of emotion rather than of more substantive issues, said Professor Channapatna Prakash, director of the Centre of Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University in Alabama, US."
Greenpeace Founder Supports Biotechnology
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 5, 2001
"Dr. Patrick Moore, ecologist and co-founder of Greenpeace, stated today that 'the campaign of fear now being waged against genetic modification is based largely on fantasy and a complete lack of respect for science and logic.'"
Scientists Rebuke Critics of Golden Rice
AgBioWorld Press Release, February 13, 2001
"Swiss scientist Ingo Potrykus responded to erroneous and misleading claims by environmental organizations -- most recently including Greenpeace -- that have tried to discredit Golden Rice and the motives of its developers."
A Food Fight For High Stakes
The New York Times, February 4, 2001
''For us to take an attitude that these farmers are gullible and ignorant and we have to take care to protect them from Western influences is absurd,'' said C. S. Prakash, a professor at Tuskegee University who is developing genetically modified crops for the third world. He accuses biotech opponents of romanticizing the old ways that left people in poor health and abject poverty.
Dr. Strangelunch - Or: Why we should learn to stop worrying
and love genetically modified food
Reason Magazine, January 2001
"Vandana Shiva would rather have her people in India starve than eat bioengineered food," says C.S. Prakash, a professor of plant molecular genetics at Tuskegee University...
Thailand must grow GM crops: expert
Asian Economic News, September 25, 2000
"A biotechnology expert recommended Monday that Thai agricultural planners apply genetically modified organism (GMO) techniques for food production, as traditional methods are reaching their limits to feed the growing population. Channapatna Prakash, director of the Center for Plant Biotechnology..."
GM food not to be feared says expert
The Weekly Times, July 12, 2000
"Genetically modified foods are nothing new and should not be feared, biotechnology proponent Dr Channapatna Prakash claims. Dr Prakash was in Melbourne last week seeking endorsement for a "declaration of scientists in support of..."
Think of the hungry, urges expert
Dominion, July 12, 2000
"Dr Prakash said crucial genetic research for less developed countries included work increasing protein values in tapioca, rice and plantains, and multiplying wheat harvests by turning plant energy into grain, not leaves..."
GE Crops Anti-Hunger Tool
New Zealand Herald, July 11, 2000
"The fears of affluent New Zealanders about new gene technology could stop it benefiting people in the Third World, says a visiting scientist..."
Expert lashes poor's new enemy
Sunday Herald Sun, July 9, 2000
"Western anti-biotechnology activists represent a 'new imperialism' that would condemn developing nations to permanent poverty and despair, a leading authority on Third World agriculture said in Melbourne this week..."
Genetically Engineered Crops Can Feed the World!
21st Century Science and Technology Magazine, Summer 2000
"Molecular biology techniques, such as the use of DNA markers and genomics, are providing valuable insights into the dynamics of biodiversity in crop plants..."
GE Expert to Visit NZ
The Evening Post, June 12, 2000
"A United States expert on genetic engineering is to visit New Zealand next month to speak on biotechnology. Centre for Plant Biotechnology Research director C S Prakash of Tuskegee..."
Agricultural issues kindle hot debates
China Daily, June 10, 2000
"An Indian scientist based in the United States, C.S. Prakash, presented a letter from 2,000 scientists whom he said believed that biotechnology is good for agriculture as it could cut pesticide use, increase productivity and grow more nutritious crops."
Scientists urged to join campaign backing GM crops
Reuters, July 6, 2000
"Scientists researching genetically modified crops needed to be more vocal supporting a technology that could avert thousands of deaths due to hunger, the organiser of a global petition said on Thursday."
Don't listen to "Frankenstein" stories on GM food - expert
Australian Associated Press, July 6, 2000
"Australians shouldn't listen to Frankenstein scare stories about genetically modified food, a leading US biotechnology expert said today..."
Indian Scientist Invites Biotechnologists to Developing World
AgBioWorld Press Release, June 1, 2000
"The work of many British scientists is being hindered or stopped altogether by activists, celebrities and policy-makers who have demonized this technology in favor of low-yielding organic agriculture," said Prakash. "Working in the developing world will allow these scientists to study important regional problems in countries where they are appreciated."
An Open Letter to Celebrity Chefs Opposed to Biotechnology
AgBioWorld Press Release, April 11, 2000
"We agricultural scientists are using advanced biotechnologies to develop more robust and nutritious crop plants for use in the developing world, and we urge these chefs to reconsider their opposition to such a promising scientific endeavor."
Scientists back crop campaign
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2000
"Dr Channapatna Prakash, a US government science adviser and biotechnologist at Tuskegee University in Alabama, began the campaign. Signatories include US Nobel laureates James Watson, who jointly discovered the structure of DNA in 1953, and Norman Borlaug, the 1970 peace prize winner..."
1,500 March in Boston To Protest Biotech Food
New York Times, March 27, 2000
"In a pre-emptive salvo against the protesters, about 2,000 scientists from around the world, including two Nobel laureates, signed a 'Declaration in Support of Agricultural Biotechnology,' said"
BIO 2000 forum draws 1,000 protesters
Associated Press, March 27, 2000
"They need to promote new evils, new fears because that's what brings in their money. They peddle fear. Today, it's biotechnology. Three years ago, it was global warming. Five years before that, it was nuclear power," said Prakash.
2,000 Scientists Release Declaration Defending Biotechnology in Boston
AgBioWorld Press Release, March 26, 2000
"Biotechnology is a potent and valuable tool that can help make foods more productive and nutritious. And, contrary to claims of anti-biotech activists, biotech products advance environmental goals such as biodiversity," said Prakash...
Nobel Prize Winners Endorse Agricultural Biotechnology
AgBioWorld Press Release, February 7, 2000
"Nobel Prize winners James Watson and Norman Borlaug joined more than 1,000 other scientists from around the world in endorsing a Declaration of Scientists in Support of Agricultural Biotechnology."
Glickman Names Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology
U.S. Newswire, January 21, 2000
"Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today named 38 members to a newly-formed USDA Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology ... Channapatna S. Prakash -- Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics ..."
Benefits from biotechnology underlined
Hindu Business Line, June 16, 1999
"Dr. Prakash said the World Bank had predicted that by 2020, India would be the fourth largest economy of the world. But it could not become a global economic power without first transforming its agriculture..."
Biotechnology: Toting Up the Early Harvest of Transgenic Plants
Science, December 18, 1998
"C. S. Prakash of Tuskegee University in Alabama was cited as describing progress in improving the quality of the proteins made by sweet potato, an important, easy-to-grow food crop in areas such as the poorer countries of the tropics, where high-quality protein foods may be hard to come by..."