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Norman Borlaug Articles and Interviews

Borlaug Photos Borlaug Links Quotes on Borlaug The Borlaug Rap

Unsung Hero: The Man Who Fed the World
Leon Hesser has completed his next book and it is due on bookstore shelves September, 2006. It is the engaging biography of his long time friend and colleague Norman Borlaug.

Norman Bourlaug is the Greatest Living American
Borlaug has never received anywhere near the public applause he deserves for his contributions to saving both people and wildlife with the Green Revolution.

The life of Norman Borlaug
A short backgrounder on Norman Borlaug's accomplishments and his legacy.

Food for Thought
The Wall Street Journal, By Norman Borlaug and Jimmy Carter, October 14, 2005
More than half of the world's 800 million hungry people are small-scale farmers who cultivate marginal lands. Because there are so many hungry and suffering people, particularly in Africa, attacks on science and biotechnology are especially pernicious.

Billions Served
Reason Magazine, April 2000
Who has saved more human lives than anyone else in history? Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970? Who still teaches at Texas A&M at the age of 86. The answer is Norman Borlaug.

Forgotten Benefactor of Humanity
The Atlantic Monthly, January 1997
Norman Borlaug, the agronomist whose discoveries sparked the Green Revolution, has saved literally millions of lives, yet he is hardly a household name.

Norman Borlaug: Compromising the Potential of Biotechnology
Norman Borlaug's foreword to "The Frankenfood Myth: How Protest and Politics Threaten the Biotech Revolution" by Henry Miller and Greg Conko (Praeger Publishers, 2004).

The Green Visionary Who Has Banished Famine From The World
The Times (UK), February 21, 2004
Borlaug's work saved the Indian sub-continent from mass starvation.Without the hybrid wheats it was Borlaug's life's mission to develop and promote among the world's poorest farmers, few believe that this population could have been sustained.

We Can Feed the World. Here's How
Wall Street Journal, By Norman Borlaug, May 13, 2002
We must produce nearly three times as much food for the more populous and more prosperous world of 2050, from the farmland we are already using, in order to save the planet's wildlands. That's why I am one of the signers of a new declaration in support of protecting nature with high-yield farming and forestry.

Soul Behind the Man
The Pioneer (New Delhi, India), By C. S. Prakash, April 2, 2006
Dr Norman Borlaug tells me that I can address him as Norm. But how can I bring myself to address this great man by his first name? He is a heroic figure credited with saving a billion lives and has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Senator Bond Senate Floor Statement on Norman Borlaug
US Senate, March 22, 2004
Mr. President, it is my distinct privilege to rise today to pay special tribute to the one of the world's foremost physiologists, Dr. Norman Borlaug.

An Abundant Harvest: Interview with Norman Borlaug, Recipient, Nobel Peace Prize, 1970
Common Ground, August 12,1997
A conversation with Norman Borlaug during this half-hour of Common Ground. Common Ground is a program on world affairs and the people who shape events.

Recognizing a Giant of Our Time: A Tribute to Dr. Norman Borlaug
By Thomas R. DeGregori, University of Houston
Sixty years ago, Borlaug went to Mexico to begin his life work which continues undiminished to the present. His task was nothing less than to create the seeds of plenty, the seeds that would feed a growing post-war population and reduce the strife and disruption, disease and death that famine has too often brought to humankind.

The Green Revolution: Accomplishments and Apprehensions

Who coined the term "Green Revolution"? Read this fascinating 1968 lecture by William S. Gaud, then Administrator of AID who came up with this term "It is not a violet Red Revolution like that of the Soviets, nor is it a White Revolution like that of the Shah of Iran. I call it the Green Revolution."

2003 Borlaug Lecture: "Towards a Hunger-Free World: The Final Milestone"
Presented by M.S. Swaminathan, October 14, 2003

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr Norman Borlaug in 1970 highlighted the interrelationships between hunger and peace. We witness today a growing violence in the human heart due to a variety of reasons. It is becoming clear that where hunger, which is the extreme manifestation of poverty, persists, peace cannot prevail.

A Hero for Our Time
Birmingham News, July 23, 2000
In a world that some say lacks real moral heroes, Norman Borlaug has led a life that puts him up there with Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa.

Norman Borlaug Blasts GMO Doomsayers
Africa News Service, June 7, 2000
"There is no evidence to indicate that biotechnology is dangerous. After all, mother nature has been doing this kind of thing for God knows how long," Borlaug told a packed hall consisting of researchers Kenya.

Stormin' Norman
Tech Central Station, October 25, 2002
The breeds of wheat he developed - with strong disease resistance, high yield potential and the ability to withstand poor growing conditions - led the "Green Revolution" that saved literally hundreds of millions of lives in developing nations that were prone to terrible famines.

Norman Borlaug: A Billion Lives Saved
A World Connected
One would think that saving a billion lives in developing countries would be enough to make someone a household name within America. And yet, very few Americans would be able to say who Norman Borlaug is.

Biotechnology and the Green Revolution - An Interview with Norman Borlaug
We will need to use both conventional breeding and biotechnology methods to meet the challenges of this century.

Norman Borlaug Cites Importance of Plant Biotechnology in Fighting World Hunger
American Society of Plant Biology, October 31, 2002
In crop improvement, we will need to apply both conventional breeding and biotechnology methodologies.

Agriculture in the 21st Century: Vision for Research and Development
By Norman E. Borlaug & Christopher Dowswell, March 21, 2000
Agricultural researchers and farmers in Asia face the challenge during the next 25 years of developing and applying technology that can increase the cereal yields by 50-75 percent.

Ending World Hunger: The Promise of Biotechnology and the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry
Plant Physiology, By Norman E. Borlaug, October 2000
Despite the successes of the Green Revolution, the battle to ensure food security for hundreds of millions miserably poor people is far from won.

Feeding a World of 10 Billion People: The Miracle Ahead
By Dr. Norman Borlaug, May 6, 1997
Dr. Borlaug provides his insightful wisdom on the role of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries and his thoughts on the anti-biotechnology movement.

Feeding the World in the 21st Century: The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology
By Norman E. Borlaug, April, 2001
For the genetic improvement of food crops to continue at a pace sufficient to meet the needs of the 8.3 billion people projected in 2025, both conventional breeding and biotechnology methodologies will be needed.

High Profile: Norman Borlaug
The Dallas Morning News, January 21, 2001

Since 1984, he has been a professor of international agriculture at Texas A&M, where he teaches one semester every year. But he is by no means semi-retired.

International Agricultural Research
Science Magazine, By Norman Borlaug, 20 February 2004
CGIAR must return to its original purpose and to its greatest comparative advantage -- developing improved food crop varieties, using a combination of conventional plant breeding techniques and new techniques of biotechnology, with complementary crop management practices.

The Green Revolution & Dr Norman Borlaug: Towards the "Evergreen Revolution"
The Norman Borlaug Institute For Plant Science Research
The term "Green Revolution" was coined by William Gaud whilst Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). He was describing the spectacular increases in cereal crop yields that were achieved in developing countries during the 1960s.

Nobel Winner Reflects on Work in Food Research
The Montgomery Advertiser, April 26, 2001
Science-based agriculture is essential to fighting world hunger and should not be considered a frightening concept, Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug said Wednesday while in Tuskegee.

The Green Revolution, Peace, and Humanity - Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1970
Norman Borlaug - Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1970
Food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry. Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.

The Green Revolution Revisited and the Road Ahead
On September 8, 2000, thirty years after he received the Nobel Peace Prize, Laureate Norman Borlaug presented his anniversary lecture at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo.

Food for Thought
Times Daily (Alabama), March 15, 2003
"Feeding 10 billion – can it be done?" Borlaug said about mid-century world population projections. "Yes, it can be done without destroying the environment."

Nobel-winning Scientist Predicts Wide Use of Genetically Engineered Foods
Tri-valley Herald, July 14, 2003
In an interview, Borlaug explained the logic behind genetic engineered crops. Eventually they are going to become common and widely accepted because they reduce the use of killer chemicals.

Borlaug's Life Focuses on Education
Des Moines Register, October 14, 2001
Borlaug created the World Food Prize in 1986 as a way to recognize those who have increased the quantity or quality of food in the world.

Painting the Big Picture: War Against Hunger Must Continue
AgJournal, July 7, 1999
In accepting his Nobel Prize, Borlaug predicted that technology available in 1970 could enable the world's farmers to produce enough food to feed a population of around six billion people. "That goal has been accomplished.

Feeding the World
Agricultural Research, USDA/ARS, February 2002
Borlaug and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter work together to help more than an estimated 4 million small-scale farmers in 11 sub-Saharan countries improve food production.

Father of the Green Revolution - Serving Agriculture and the World Community
Texas A&M University, By Ellen Ritter
Scientist. Teacher. Humanitarian. Nobel Laureate. Father of the Green Revolution. Those terms describe Dr. Norman Borlaug, who is distinguished professor of international agriculture at Texas A&M University, but they can't possibly capture the magnitude of his accomplishments.

Iowans Who Fed The World - Norman Borlaug: Geneticist
The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum, October 26, 2002
Norman Borlaug's success breeding wheat and disseminating technical information to under-developed, poverty-stricken, hungry nations assured him a place in history as a benefactor of mankind.

Borlaug Urges Shift To Gene Revolution
Farm Press, June 25, 2003
Nobel Peace Laureate Norman Borlaug says the 21st Century challenge to agriculture will be producing sufficient supplies of food to sustain the world's continued population growth.

Norman Borlaug Special Issue
Population News, August 12, 1997
Back when Paul Ehrlich predicted there was no way developing nations could increase their crop yields, Borlaug was in the fields showing them how to do just that.

Borlaug's Work in Mexico
The University of Minnesota College of Ag, Food and Environemental Sciences
Borlaug is a man who knows "tough". Breeding his wheat plants involved walking stooped over through the fields, checking the stems for brown pustules of rust. It was all hand labor.

The Beginning of the Green Revolution
The University of Minnesota College of Ag, Food and Environemental Sciences
After 10 years of wheat breeding, Borlaug had plants that resisted rust and other diseases. Because they were insensitive to the length of daylight, they had the potential to grow in a wide variety of climates.

Political Aspects of the Green Revolution
The University of Minnesota College of Agriculture, Food and Envvironmental Sciences
Over and over again, bureaucrats and government scientists warned Borlaug that peasant farmers would never accept the new technology, that they weren't ready for the change. But their opinions shifted rapidly once they saw a thriving crop at the experiment station.

The Nobel Prize and More Honors
The University of Minnesota College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
The world made Norman Borlaug a celebrity in 1970, the year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. No Midwesterner, it seems certain, has received more honor.

Connection Between Norman Borlaug and George Washington Carver
Etta Budd helped Carver…Carver helped Wallace…Wallace helped Borlaug…Borlaug helped the world…

La Inacabada Revolución Verde – El Futuro Rol
de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en la Alimentación del Mundo en Desarrollo

Me encuentro en mi 57º año de dedicación a la investigación y producción agrícola en países de bajos ingresos y déficit alimentario. He trabajado con muchos colegas, líderes políticos y agricultores a fin de transformar los sistemas de producción de alimentos y superar las sombrías predicciones de los años 60 sobre una inminente hambruna mundial.

Borlaug Photos Borlaug Links Quotes on Borlaug The Borlaug Rap