and Religion
Media Contacts
This is a compilation of many papers and review documents about the
yield of biotech crops and their environmental impacts. Although a few
of the listed studies found no improvement or worse results, the vast
majority show biotech crops to be superior to conventional crops.
1. Cross-crop reviews of biotech crops with yield summaries and references
to yield data
Carpenter, J., Felsot, A., Goode, T., Hammig, M., Onstad, D., Sankula,
S. 2002. Comparative Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology-derived and
Traditional Soybean, Corn, and Cotton Crops. Council for Agricultural
Science and Technology CAST: I-189.
Fernandez-Cornejo, J., and W. D. McBride, 2000. Genetically Engineered
Crops for Pest Management in U.S. Agriculture: Farm Level Effects. Resource
Economics Division, Economic Research service, USDA. Agricultural Economic
Report #786.
Gianessi, L., Silvers, C., Sankula, S., Carpenter, J. 2002. Executive
Summary - Plant Biotechnology - Current and Potential Impact for Improving
Pest Management in US Agriculture. An Analysis of 40 Case Studies. NCFAP.
National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy: 1-23.
Marra, M. C., Philip G. Pardey, P.G, and J. M. Alston. January 2002.
The Payoffs to Agricultural Biotechnology: An Assessment of the Evidence
2. Product-specific yield references
a. Bt cotton
Bacheler, J.S., D. W. Mott, and D. E. Morrison. 1998. Large Scale Evaluation
of Bollgard Resistance to Multiple Pests in North Carolina Under Grower
Conditions. In Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Memphis,
TN, U.S.A. National Cotton Council. 2: 961-64.
Benson, M. A., and W. H. Hendrix III. 1999. Economics of a Tracer/Karate
Z Conventional Cotton Program vs. Bt Cotton. In Proceedings of the Beltwide
Cotton Conference. Memphis, TN, U.S.A. 2: 1143-45.
Bryant, K., C. T. Allen, F. M. Bourland, and L. D. Earnest. 1999. Cost
and return comparisons of RR and Bollgard cotton varieties. National Cotton
Council. In Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Memphis, TN,
U.S.A. 1: 236-38.
Bryant, K. J., Allen, C. T., Bourland, F. M., Smith, K. L., Earnest, L.
D. 2000. Cost and Return Comparisons of Transgenic Cotton Systems in Arkansas.
Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Conference Benefits. 1:
Bryant, K. J., Robertson, W. C., Lorenz, G. M. 1997. Economic Evaluation
of Bollgard Cotton in Arkansas: 1996. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton
Conference. 1: 358-359.
Bryant, K.J., W.C. Roberts, and G. M. Lorenz III. 1998. Economic Evaluation
of Bollgard Cotton in Arkansas: 1997. In Porceedings of the Beltwide Cotton
Conference, National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN, U.S.A. 1: 388-89.
Bryant, K. J., Robertson, W. C., Lorenz, G. M. 1999. Economic Evaluation
of Bollgard Cotton in Arkansas. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference.
1: 349-350. 1142
Carlson, G. A., Marra, M. C., Hubbell, B. J. 1998. Yield, Insecticide
Use, and Profit Changes From Adoption Of Bt Cotton In The Southeast. Proceedings
of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. 2: 973-974. 1395
Cavin, D., W. Mullins, K. Ferreira, and D. Fairbanks. 2001. Economics
of stacked gene (BG/RR) stripper cotton in west Texas. Proceedings of
the Beltwide Cotton Conference 2:865-866.
Cooke , F. T., and T. B. Freeland. 1998. Some Economic Considerations
for Bt Cotton Planting in the Yazoo-Missippi Delta. In Proceedings of
the Beltwide Cotton Conference. 1: 383-84.
Cooke, F. T., Jr., W. P. Scott, S. W. Martin, and D. W. Parvin, Jr. 2001.
The Economics of Bt Cotton in the Mississippi Delta 1997-2000. Proceeding
of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. 1:175-177.
Gianessi, L., Carpenter, J. 1999. Agricultural Biotechnology Insect Control
Benefits. National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy: 1-78.
Gibson IV, J. W., D. Laughlin, R. G. Luttrell, D. Parker, J. Reed, and
A. Harris. 1997. Comparison of Costs and Returns Associated with Heliothis
Resistant Bt Cotton to Non-resistant varieties. Proceedings of the Beltwide
Cotton Conference. 1:244-247.
Huang, J., Rozelle, S., Pray, C., Wang, Q. 2002. Plant Biotechnology in
China. Science 295(5555) 674-676.
Ismael, Y., Bennett, R., Morse, S. 2002. Do Small-scale Bt Cotton Adopters
in South Africa Gain an Economic Advantage. 6th International ICABR Conference,
Ravello, Italy, July 11-14, 2002: 1-16.
Jones, K, T. Kerby, H. Collins, T. Woffard, M. Bates, J. Presley, J. Burgess,
Robert Buehler, and R. Deaton. 1996. Performance of NuCOTN with Bollgard.
In Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, 1: 46-48. Memphis, TN,
U.S.A. National Cotton Council.
Karner, M. J. Goodson, A. Hutson. 2000. Bt Cotton Technology in Oklahoma:
An Overview. OSU Current Report No. 7465. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University.
Layton, M. B., S. D. Stewart, M. R. Williams, and J. S. Long. 1999. Performance
of Bt Cotton in Mississippi, 1998. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton
Conference, National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN, U.S.A. 2: 942-45.
Magaña, J. E. M., García, J. G., Rodríguez, A. J.
O., García, J. M. O. 1999. Comparative Analysis Of Producing Transgenic
Cotton Varieties Versus No Transgenic Variety In Delicias, Chihuahua,
Mexico. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. 1: 255-256.
Marra, M., G. Carlson, and B. Hubbell. Economic Impacts of the First Crop
Biotechnologies. 1998.
Mullins, J., Mills J. 1999. Economics of Bollgard versus non-bollgard
cotton in 1998. Beltwide Cotton Conference. 2: 958-961. 49
Pray, C. E., Ma, D., Huang, J., Qiao, F. 2001. Impact of Bt Cotton in
China. World Development. 29(5): 1-34.
ReJesus, M., J. K. Greene, M. D. Hammig, and C. E. Curtis. 1997b. Economic
Analysis of Insect Management Strategies for Transgenic Bt Cotton Production
in South Carolina. Proceeding of the Beltwide cotton Conference. 1:247-251.
Stark, C. R. 1997. Economics of Transgenic Cotton: Some Indications Based
on Georgia Producers. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. 1:
Wier, A. T., Mullins, J. W. Mills, J. M. 1998. Bollgard Cotton-Update
and Economic Comparisons Including New Varieties. Proceedings of the Beltwide
Cotton Conference. 2: 1039-1040.
b. Bt corn
Baute, T.S., M. K. Sears, and A. W. Schaafsma. 2002. Use of Transgenic
Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner Corn Hybrids to Determine the Direct Economic
Impact of the European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on Field Corn
in Eastern Canada. J Econ Entomology 95:57-64.
Carpenter, J. E. 2001. Case Studies in Benefits and Risk of Agricultural
Biotechnology: Roundup Ready Soybeans and Bt Field Corn. National Center
for Food and Agricultural Policy: 1-56.
Duffy, M. 2001. Who Benefits From Biotechnology? Presentation to the American
Seed Trade Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 5-7.
European Commission. 2000. Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops
On the Agri-food Sector.
The Economist. 2000. Genetically Modified Crops: To Plant or Not to Plant.
January 14.
Accessed October 21, 2000.
Gianessi, L., Carpenter, J. 1999. Agricultural Biotechnology Insect Control
Benefits. National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy: 1-78.
Hart, K., 1999. Biotech Crops Do Not Improve Yield or Cut Pesticide Costs,
USDA Finds. Pesticide and toxic Chemical News, July 1, 11-13.
Marra, M., G. Carlson, and B. Hubbell. Economic Impacts of the First Crop
Biotechnologies. 1998.
Rice, M., and C.D. Pilcher. 1998. Potential benefits and limitations of
transgenic Bt Corn For Management of the European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera
Crambidae). American Entomologist 44 (1): 75-78.
Sloderbeck, P., L. Buschman, T. Dumler, and R. Higgins. 1999. Bt Corn
and Non-Bt Corn Refuges: How Do the Economics Pencil Out? Report, Kansas
State University, Manhattan Kans., U.S.A. Mimeo.
c. HT cotton
Bryant, K., C. T. Allen, F. M. Bourland, and L. D. Earnest. 1999. Cost
and return comparisons of RR and Bollgard cotton varieties. National Cotton
Council. In Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Memphis, TN,
U.S.A. 1: 236-38.
Culpepper, A. S., York, A. C. 1998. Weed Management: Weed Management in
Glyphosate-Tolerant Cotton. The Journal of Cotton Science. 2: 174-185.
Culpepper, A. S., York, A. C. 2000. Weed Management In Ultra Narrow Row
Cotton (Gossypium Hisutum). Weed Technology. 14 (1): 19-29.
Goldman, D. L,. C. Guy, m. McClelland, and A. Kendig. 1996. Weed Control
Systems in RoundupTM Ready Cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton
Conferences. Cotton Weed Science Research Coinference. 2:
Keeling, W., P. Dotray, C. Jones, and S. Sunderland. 1996. RoundupTM Ready
Cotton: A Potential New Weed Management Tool for the Texas High Plains.
Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Cotton Weed Science Research
Conference. 2: 1529
Slinsky, S. P., E. R. Edens, J. A. Larson, and R. M. Hayes. 1998. Evaluation
of Cost and Returns For RoundupTM Ready Cotton. In Proceedings of the
Beltwide Cotton Conference, Memphis, TN, U.S.A: National Cotton Council.
1: 340-43.
Speed, T. R., and K. L. Ferreira. 1998. Performance of PM 2326RR and PM
2200RR on the Texas High Plains: A two-year summary. In Proceedings of
the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Memphis, TN, U.S.A.: National Cotton Council.
1: 251-53.
Vencill, W.K. !996. Weed Management Systems Untilizing Herbicide-Resistant
Cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cottoin Conferences. Cotton Weed Science
Research Conference. 2: 1532-33.
Vencill, W. K., Hawf, L. 1997. Weed Management Systems in Georgia Cotton
Utilizing Roundup-Ready® Cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton
Conference. 1: 783-784.
d. HT corn
Fernandez-Cornejo, J., and C.Klotz-Ingram. 1998. Economic, Environmental
, and Policy Impacts of Using Genetically Engineered Crops for Pest Management.
Selected paper presented at the 1998 Northeastern Agricultural and Resource
Economics Association (NAREA) meeting. Ithaca, NY.
Ferrell J. A. and W. W. Witt. 2000. Comparison of weed management strategies
with Roundup Ready® corn. University of Kentucky, Cooperative Extension
Hart, K., 1999. Biotech Crops Do Not Improve Yield or Cut Pesticide Costs,
USDA Finds. Pesticide and Toxic Chemical News, July 1, 11-13.
Johnson, W.G., P. R. Bradley, S. E. Hart, M.L. Buesinger, and R. E. Massey.
2000. Efficacy and Economics of Weed Management in Glyphosate-resistant
Corn (Zea mays). Weed Technology 14:57-65.
Tharp, B.E. and J.J. Kells. 1999. Influence of Herbicide Application Rate,
Timing, and Interrow Cultivation on Weed Control and Corn (Zea mays) Yield
in Glufosinate-resistant and Glyphosate-resistant Corn. Weed Technology
e. HT soybean
European Commision. 2000. Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops
on the Agri-food sector.
Accessed December 26, 2000.
Arnold, J. C., D. R. Shaw, and C. R. Medlin. 1998. Roundup ReadyTM Programs
Versus Conventional Programs. Efficacy, Varietal Performance, and Economics.
Proceeding of the Southern Weed Science Society, Southern Weed Science
Society, 51: 272-73.
Arnold, J. C., Shaw, D. R., Norris, J. L. 1999. Assessment Of Efficacy
And Economics In Roundup Ready Versus Conventional Soybean Programs. Proceedings,
Southern Weed Science Society. 52: 43. 1017
Benbrook, C. 1999. Evidence of the Magnitude and Consequences of the Roundup
Ready Soybean Yield Drag from University based Varietal Trials in 1998:
Carpenter, J. E. 2001. Comparing Roundup Ready and Conventional Soybean
Yields: 1999. National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Washington,
Couvillion, W. C., Kari, F., Hudson, D., Allen, A. 2000. A Preliminary
Economic Assessment of Roundup Ready Soybeans in Mississippi. Mississippi
State University Research Report 2000-005: 1-11.
Culpepper, A. Stanley, Ayork, Alan C., Batts, Rober B., and Jennings,
Katherine M. 2000. Weed Management in Glufosinate - and Glyphosate-Resistant
Soybean (Glycine max). Weed Technology, 14: 77-78.
Delannay, X., Bauman, T., Beighley, D., Buettner, M., Coble, H., DeFelice,
M., Derting, C.,
Diedrick, T., Griffin, J., Hagood, E., Hancock, F., Hart, S., LaVallee,
B., Loux, M., Lueschen, W., Matson, K., Moots, C.(Not all would fit refer
to original) 1995. Yield Evaluation of Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybean Line
after Treatment with Glyphosate. Crop Science. 35. Issue: 5: 1461-1467.
Dunphy, J., and A. York. 2000. Progress report to North Carolina Soybean
Producers' Association Inc. Raleigh.
Accessed September 25, 2001.
Dunphy, J., R. Heiniger, and A. York. 2000. Progress report to North Carolina
Soybean Producers' Association Inc. Raleigh.
Accessed September 25, 2001
Elmore, R. W., Roeth, F. W., Nelson, L. A., Shapiro, C. A., Klein, R.
N., Knezevic, S. Z., Martin, A. 2001. Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Cultivar
Yields Compared with Sister Lines. Agronomy Journal. 93: 408-412.
McVey, m, G. Pautsch, and P. Baumel. 1995. Estimated Domestic Producer
and End User benefits from Genetically Modifying U.S. Soybeans. Journal
of Production Agriculture. 8(2): 209-14.
Marra, M., G. Carlson, and B. Hubbell. Economic Impacts of the First Crop
Biotechnologies. 1998.
Minor, H. 1998. Performance of GMOs vs. Traditional Varieties: A Southern
Perspective. Pp. 1-9. In Proceedings of the 28th Soybean Seed Research
Conference. Chicago, IL, Dec. 1998. America Seed Trade Assoc., Washington
Moschini, G., Lapan, H., Sobolevsky, A. 2000. Roundup Ready ® Soybeans
and Welfare Effects in the Soybean Complex. Agribusiness. 16 (1): 33-55.
Oplinger, E.S., M.J. Martinka, and K.A. Schmitz. 1998. Performance of
Transgenetic Soybeans-Northern U.S. 28th Soybean Seed Research Conference.
Chicago, IL. American Seed Trade Assoc,. Washington D.C.
Roberts, R., Pendergrass, R., Hayes, R. 1999. Economic Analysis of Alternative
Herbicide Regimes on Roundup Ready Soybeans. J. Prod. Agric.. 12 (3):