WTO-GMO Ruling: Independent Academic Experts Available
TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, AL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/07/2006 -- The AgBioWorld
Foundation, a non-profit coalition of global academics committed to sharing
science-based information on agricultural biotechnology issues, has compiled
a list of academic experts available to provide analysis and commentary
regarding the World Trade Organization dispute, "EC - Measures Affecting
the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products" (WT/DS291). A WTO
panel ruling on this issue is expected on February 7th.
Professor Calestous Juma
Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
(Note: Juma is a former Executive Secretary of the United Nations
Convention on Biological Diversity)
Office: 617-496-8127
Mobile: 617-230 4489
Email: calestous_juma (at) harvard.edu
Professor C.S. Prakash
Center for Plant Biotechnology Research
Tuskegee University
Office: 334-727-8023
Mobile: 334-444-7884
Email: prakash (at) tuskegee.edu
Dr. Henry I. Miller
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
(Note: Miller is a former NIH researcher and former FDA biotech regulator)
Office: 650-725-0185
Mobile: 650-906-9014
Email: miller (at) hoover.stanford.edu
Professor Bruce M. Chassy
Assistant Dean
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences University
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Office: 217-244-7291
Email: b-chassy (at) uiuc.edu
Professor Thomas DeGregori
Department of Economics
University of Houston
Office: 713-743-3838
Email: trdegreg (at) uh.edu
Professor Robert Paarlberg
Professor of Political Science
Wellesley College and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Harvard University
Wellesley U. Office: 781-283-2193
Harvard U. Office: 617-495-1828
Mobile: 617-276-7494
Email: rpaarlberg (at) wellesley.edu
Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (CAL-ee-TZAN-do-KNOCK-iss)
Associate Professor of Agribusiness
University of Missouri-Columbia
Office: 573-882-0143
Email: Kalaizandonakesn (at) missouri.edu
Professor Alan McHughen
University of California, Riverside
Office Ph: 951-827-7532
Email: alanmc (at) ucr.edu
Gregory Conko, Senior Fellow
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Washington, DC
Office: 202-331-2253
Mobile: 202-550-2974
Email: gconko (at) cei.org
The AgBioWorld Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered
in Auburn, Alabama, and is run by Professor C.S. Prakash of Tuskegee
University. The AgBioWorld community was established in January 2000
by Professor Prakash and Gregory Conko of the Competitive Enterprise
Institute, and the foundation and AgB ioView e-mail service rely upon
the volunteer efforts of many friends and colleagues.
AgBioWorld aims to provide science-based information on agricultural
biotechnology issues to various stakeholders across the world. Its website
and e-mail service are a daily source of information for thousands of
subscribers from dozens of countries. The AgBioWorld 'Declaration in
Support of Agricultural Biotechnology' has been endorsed by over 3,400
scientists, including 25 Nobel Laureates such as Dr. Norman Borlaug,
Dr. James Watson, Dr. Arthur Kornberg, Dr. Marshall Nirenberg, Dr. Peter
Doherty, Dr. Paul Berg, Mr. Oscar Arias Sanchez and Dr. John Boyer.
Professor. C.S. Prakash
AgBioWorld Foundation
(334) 444-7884