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Unsung Hero: The Man Who Fed the World

Dear friends of Norman Borlaug and Leon Hesser:

Leon Hesser has completed his next book and it is due on bookstore shelves September, 2006. It is the engaging biography of his long time friend and colleague Norman Borlaug. The book is titled 'The Man Who Fed the World, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and His Battle to End World Hunger' and it introduces the reader to Norman Borlaug the man, the hero, the enigma.

Dr. Borlaug's life (he is still working full-time at age 92 to combat world hunger!) is a fascinating story. Leon Hesser tells that story in a well researched and loving way.

You may be happy to know that, in order to help create a buzz about the book, the publisher will make available by April or May a limited number of advance hardcover copies to interested individuals, at a 40 percent discount, or $14.97 plus $3.49 shipping and handling, compared with the retail price of $24.95. If you wish to take advantage of the advance offer, please send me a check, made out to Durban House Publishing, for $18.46 for each copy, by no later than February 18, 2006.

I look forward to your response.

Sincerely - Diana Oleskow Lubich, Publicist,
ph 239-293-1585
5907 Three Iron Drive Unit #2302
Naples, FL 34110 -

Unsung Hero: The Man Who Fed the World

From the day he was born in 1914, Norman Borlaug has been an enigma. How could a child of the Iowa prairie, who attended a one-teacher, one-room school; who flunked the university entrance exam; and whose highest ambition was to be a high school science teacher and athletic coach, ultimately achieve the distinction as one of the one hundred most influential persons of the twentieth century? And receive the Nobel Peace Prize for averting hunger and famine? And eventually be hailed as the man who saved hundreds of millions of lives from starvation--more than any other person in history?

What is it that made Norman Borlaug different? What drove him? What can we--especially our youth--learn from his life?

Those questions are answered in Leon Hesserís authorized biography, The Man Who Fed the World: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and His Battle to End World Hunger (Durban House Publishing, September 2006, hardcover, $24.95)

In the bookís foreword, Dr. Borlaug's good friend and fellow Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter wrote, "Since 1986, I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Norman Borlaug in sub-Saharan Africa where, in spite of AIDS, endemic malaria and other maladies, populations are increasing faster than food supplies. I have witnessed first-hand the reverence that thousands upon thousands of Africans have for Dr. Borlaug's untiring efforts to relieve their hunger. I commend Leon Hesser for making more people aware of the remarkable life and achievements of this American hero."

In addition to an earned Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Borlaug has been awarded more than fifty honorary doctorates from institutions in eighteen countries. At age 91, Borlaug made three trips during 2005 to Africa and one each to India and Argentina in his continuing efforts to relieve hunger. During each fall semester, he serves as Distinguished Professor of International Agriculture at Texas A&M University.

To request a copy of The Man Who Fed the World or to schedule an interview with Leon Hesser, please contact Diana Oleskow, publicist, at (239-293-1585) or dianabob2.at.comcast.net.

Borlaug Photos Borlaug Links Quotes on Borlaug The Borlaug Rap